Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sabah Exotic Food - Laruh

Laruh is made from rice preserved with yeast.It  is   sweet  in taste.Traditionally made Laruh is made by wrapping a mix of cold rice and yeast in a wild yam leave and preserved for at least 2 days.

Rather than going for routine hotel meals, this piece of delicacy is worth trying if someone is really looking for a  thrilling  experience of being in Sabah. Since Laruh  is a traditional meal, it is rarely available in  restaurants.Tamu Kota Belud which is the biggest weekend market in Sabah  and part of tour guide destination  of choice  is the right place to get this  delicacy.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Makan Makan in Kota Kinabalu

Makan makan simply means eating.This entry will be centered on some of   eating venues in Kota Kinabalu, the capital city of Sabah.For foreign tourists coming to Sabah, trying a satay is a must if they really want to taste one of the  best local delicacy.In Penisular Malaysia, brands  name like Satay Kajang and Satay Station are among the most well known.In Sabah however, only petty traders are involved in the satay  business.

Satay is barbecued meat mostly chicken and beef serve with peanut sauce.Rice cube is available  as a side order.The satay selling venue potrayed in this entry is located at  Pantai Street  just opposite of the Horizon hotel building.

Modern dining and western foods are available at places like  the Peppermint and Little Italy restaurants.The Peppermint which is located along Gaya Street   serves halal foods meaning those  muslim customers can just walk in without any doubts on what foods to order.For tourists looking for western meals, the  Little Italy restaurant located at the Pantai Street is an ideal choice. 

Those brand like Kentucky Fried Chicke,Burger King, Mcdonald,Pizza Hut are available and make their presence in  all major shopping complex in the city.

Lately I noticed fast food restaurants are begining to open their drive in branches along major highway like the Kota Kinabalu - Sulaman highway.

For  Asian or  local travellers who may want to look for their routine meals, there are many choices available ranging from Indian ,Indonesian, Korean  to Thailand restaurants  in Kota Kinabalu.The roti canai serve mainly at Indian restaurant is worth trying.

Seafood lovers will find wide variety of choices to suit their taste. Kampung Nelayan restaurant in Bukit Padang ,Port View restaurant and Ocean Seafood Village restaurant are just among some of the well established seafood restaurants in Kota Kinabalu.

To guarantee the seafood freshness, some of the  seafood supplies are flown daily from as far as Sandakan and Tawau.This goes to show great demand for seafood in Kota Kinabalu.

Being a major economic center for Sabah, Kota Kinabalu has a lot to offer in term 
of makan - makan.Bon appetite...